Divyang Vidhya Vihar
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Divyang Boy’s Hostel

Total Area: 14749 Sq.mt.
Built up area: 6643 sq.mt.
Amenities: SNAM head office, Divyang boy’s Hostel, Inclusive Primary, secondary & Higher Secondary School, Braille / Ink print / Multimedia Library, Physiotherapy center, Mind Power Development Center, Prayer Hall, Conference Hall, Staff quarters & Guest rooms. This modern complex is secure, barrier free & environment friendly campus.


After the earthquake in 2001 with permission from Department of social justice and empowerment Government of Gujarat a hostel for the disabled boy’s Divyang Vidhya Vihar was built with barrier free infrastructure. The hostel has a capacity to accommodate 240 disabled boys.  Free lodging and boarding is provided to the disabled students of Primary, Secondary & Higher Secondary schools.
Physical education, games, cultural and recreational activities also undertaken at this hostel for all-round development of the Students.

Shri Champshibhai Devshibhai Nandu Kakarwawala Inclusive Primary School


This unique school is one of the first of its types in India where children of various disabilities like Visually Impaired, Mentally Retarded, Hearing Impaired and Orthopedic Handicapped getting education along with non disable children.  We have specially trained teachers to provide primary, special and life skill education to the disabled and non disabled students in an inclusive environment.


Lalji Velji Anchorwala Inclusive Secondary & Higher Secondary School


This Inclusive Secondary & Higher Secondary School is well equipped with science lab, computer lab, multimedia, Smart Class and Eduset facility. With the help of specially trained teachers we are able to educate the disabled and non disabled students in inclusive and barrier free environment. It is a unique school where disabled and non disabled children are getting education together.
  This school provides education and facilities for extracurricular activities like computer training, sports training, music, participating in various kinds of competitions.


Ink print / Braille / Multimedia Library

This Library was established in the year 1981 to provide reading material in accessible format to the print disabled and others.
 It has a large collection of Ink print (Regular Books, Large Print, Braille Books, Soft Braille, Audio Books, E-books & Video CDs on various topics.
  It has more than
6272 Regular Books, 52 Large Print, 1078 Braille Books, 80 Soft Braille, 2954 Audio Books, 80 E-books, Video CDs
These books are also available on Sugamya Pustakalaya (https://library.daisyindia.org  ) & Bookshare (www.bookshare.org ) website for print disabled to download.      Sugamya Pustakalaya - 277, Student - 287, Visually Impaired - 370, Non Disabled - 177 Library members are using this large Collection.    


A quarterly News Magazine called "Navchetan Andhjan Mandal Samachar” is being published since 2002.
   It highlights events of Organization and publishes various articles relating to health, general knowledge, disability issues, success stories, and latest information Government schemes for disabled persons, guidance to parents.  A total of 20000 copies of this quarterly magazine was printed and distributed amongst members, donors and other well wishers.


Physiotherapy Cares for Cerebral Palsy (C.P.) Children


Special Physiotherapy treatment for cerebral palsy children was started in year 2015-16.
  The center aims to provide physiotherapy treatment to the CP children at a nominal fee.
  The goal of the treatment is to help the children develop coordination, build strength, improve balance, maintain flexibility, optimize physical functioning levels and maximize independence.   All treatment is designed to meet a child's individual needs in a way that emphasizes physical fitness, and minimizes injuries and pain. During the period under report a total of 4 cerebral palsy children were treated.

Mind Power Development Center

  This Unit is started with the collaboration of Trinetra Foundation Mumbai at Divyang Vidhya Vihar Campus. In Year 2019 the aim of the center is censsary training of disable & Non disabled Children. So they can use their other senses to get the information about their environment and minimize the disability.  More than 250 Students were trained during this Year.

Created By Shlok Sompura